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This process of wart removal is safe to be used the get rid of warts on the face because it doesn’t cause scarring. After the surgery, healing time depends on the number of the wart removed, the location and the size of the wart removed. Aftercare is very important so that the wound is not exposed to germs and bacteria that may cause more complications hence delaying the healing period. There are places that take some time to heal more than others so it may take you 2-3 days for you to resume your daily chores or rather activities. Full recovery may take about 3-4 weeks but the disadvantage is that scarring may occur after healing. Plantar wart also known as Verrucas grow or develop on the bottom of foot.
This is a medical condition that causes people to sweat excessively. People who have hyperhidrosis often sweat when other people feel comfortable or even cool. When people sweat frequently, their skin becomes damp and soft. Having damp, soft skin may increase the risk of getting HPV infection, which could lead to a wart. Wearing flip-flops or other shoes in moist areas, such as piers, pool decks, and public showers can reduce your risk of developing warts on your feet. Because HPV is so common, this helps to remove the virus from your skin.
How To Stay Plantar Wart-free
Garlic has a high antibiotic value that could help you treat your viral infection. Simply cut a fresh, organic clove of garlic in slices and attach one slice to your plantar wart with plaster. Just make sure the garlic is not in contact with healthy skin! In the morning, remove the remedy from your skin, and repeat the process once again, with new, fresh slice of garlic. Repeat the therapy every day for 1 to 2 weeks.
Children and teenagers frequent these public places more often and are less likely to practice proper foot hygiene. Check your own feet and your children’s regularly to spot plantar warts early before they spread and contact your provider as soon as you have a concern. Freezing a wart using cryotherapy is an effective wart removal option.
How to Get Rid of Warts on Feet?
Or your health care provider might cut off a small section of the growth and send it to a lab for testing. All information offered on The Iowa Clinic website is intended to serve as general educational information only. Any content, product or service is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you believe you have a medical issue, always seek the personalized advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider.

For some one treatment may not be able to eliminate the wart from your skin, you need at least a couple of treatments to get rid of it. So your doctor or care giver will advise you on how many sessions you will need. Sometimes, warts can be stubborn, so they don’t clear with treatment that you can buy without a prescription. A dermatologist can create an effective treatment plan.
Plantar Wart Removal: How to Get Rid of Warts With Surgery and Home Treatments
They usually grow to the inside of the skin as opposed to other warts that grow to the inside. This usually makes walking very uncomfortable. Plantar warts usually go away on their own, but it takes a long time before they clear out. Verrucas can be treated at naturally using home remedies but some time it may take months for them to clear out because they might have grown very deep in the skin. It is also important to note that, as to other people, you can spread warts to other parts of your body.
Theoretically, you can also pick up warts from surfaces such as locker room floors or showers, but there's no way to know how often this occurs. If you are a diabetic, have peripheral vascular disease or coronary artery disease. These conditions increase the risk of infection or tissue death because of poor blood supply. Cryotherapy is done in a clinic and involves applying liquid nitrogen to the wart, either with a spray or a cotton swab. This method can be painful, so your health care provider may numb the area first.
The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment. Long standing warts that are resistant to home treatment and conventional treatment should be treated medically by physician. Immune modulating treatments may be needed to treat this condition. In this process, the doctor will use an intralesional injection of antigens into the wart. These treatments require several return visits and you may be asked to use salicylic acid between doctor treatments.

This method should only be tried after all other remedies have failed. The virus that causes warts, human papillomavirus , spreads easily from person to person, and it’s found everywhere. For these reasons, it can be difficult to prevent warts completely. Try home remedies to get rid of warts on the face, feet, and hands.
It’s thought to work like salicylic acid, a common wart treatment that peels away infected skin, eventually removing the wart. Plantar warts develop when HPV enters the outer layer of skin on the soles of the feet and spreads. Tiny cuts, breaks, or weak spots on the bottom of the foot are all ways for the virus to enter the foot and cause warts.

Researchers are conducting clinical trials to test povidone-iodine’s safety and effectiveness for wart treatment. In the meantime, you should only use povidone-iodine for warts under a doctor’s supervision. To use freezing spray, carefully follow the instructions on the packaging. You might have to repeat the process several times to kill the wart. Check the instructions to see if it’s safe to do so.
Then take the excess skin off the top with a pumice stone or nail file. Proper treatment of plantar warts requires the expertise of your healthcare provider. Aside from salicylic acid, you can also buy “freezing sprays” at the drugstore for plantar warts. The spray works by creating a small blister-like injury that may help destroy the wart. This is different from the cryotherapy wart treatments that are available at a doctor’s office.
When in doubt, always ask a doctor for advice, especially if the plantar warts worsen or affect your daily mobility. Plantar warts that don’t go away or keep coming back despite home treatments should be looked at by a doctor. They can treat the warts in the office with cryotherapy or other treatments. They might also recommend prescription medications to help treat the wart.
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